
Wednesday, 25 March 2009

No Permit, No House...Literally

Israel demolishes two Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem

Repeat after Kevin Costner. If you build it, they will come. Though if you are a tenant in the newly minted Arab City of Culture, the big bad authorities may come and huff and puff and blow your house down. Just imagine the horror, or sadistic delight, worn on all our faces if Camden Council started driving Boris Johnson-sized wrecking balls through squatter sites and Traveller communities.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Zizek's So Hot Right Now

And the award for best book cover / state terror promo goes to Slavoj Zizek...

Monday, 16 March 2009

Now Vines Upon the House's Frame

The absurdity subsides, a stranger now, momentarily freed from the Kafka-esque absurdity of perpetual misfortune. Without such calamity, such excuse, the narcissist is laid bare.

The South emerges upon his sallow frame, suddenly, torn cloth wrapped as wisteria vines. A year ago, tuberculosis brought health, buttressing his dreams as dreams, destroying the advance of the previous year. Now, in mimicry he speaks. Without referent he returns to that place in Cumberland Estates, filled with the sobriety of a millenarian whose schools remain temples.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Love Rap

Do we need a Zizekian orientalist account of the entire history and cultural significance of rap music? Surely Ghostface is incomprehensible enough.

If you have read Jeff Chang's platitudinal revisionist Can't Stop Won't Stop then the answer is yes.

If you haven't and find El-P a bit difficult, you may want to avoid Naked Punch's Hip Hop Dossier like art does a Bono lyric.