
Saturday, 27 October 2007

Racism's Dead...Thank God for Georgia

While racism's genius has been its ability to weave itself intricately and unnoticed into the fabric of the American character, it sometimes erupts from one of the many buboes on the pocked surface of our societal skin. In a horrible yet necessary way it overtly reminds us of all that is latent within each one of our bodies. If only the disgusting images from the Auburn frat-boys dressed in black-face to Jena could bring about a true examination of our history instead of being suffocated under the oppressive pillow of our misplaced morality. Though digging for illusory truth might destroy the insidiously supposititious ground that saves us all from gravity, the purgatory of the postmodern might be preferable to the arrogance of identity. At least all could recognize that we stand unwittingly on burial sites.

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